Arkansas NEVI Program – All You Need To Know

The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) has been hard at work implementing the state’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging access across Arkansas. Through the NEVI Formula Program led by the Federal Highway Administration, ARDOT received $19.5 million in initial funding for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023.

Arkansas FY 2024 Approved Plan

To manage these NEVI funds, ARDOT is developing a competitive procurement process where private sector companies and non-profits can apply for grants to install new EV charging stations. This past summer, ARDOT released a Request for Proposals with the goal of addressing all 15 identified gaps in charging coverage along Arkansas’ key highway corridors through awarded projects. Proposals are being evaluated based on criteria like project location, equity considerations, workforce plans and technical specifications.

Arkansas will receive $54 million in total NEVI formula funds, under IJA, to create an EV charging network across the state, starting with FY 22 – FY 23 funding totaling $19.5M and adding an additional $11.5M in new funding each year with approval of ARDOT’s FY 24- FY 26 EVID Plan updates. Based on ARDOT ‘s current analysis, the agency will have sufficient NEVI funding over the five-year program to ensure Arkansas’ network for designated EV AFCs and Interstates are built out to NEVI Formula Program standards, as well as for Arkansas NEVI program administration.

ARDOT will retain seven percent of NEVI Formula funds annually for its use in administering the NEVI Formula Program each year, including program planning, procurement program design, outreach and engagement, program management, and reporting. ARDOT has designed its EVID Competitive Procurement program to require 20% non-federal matching funds from parties awarded NEVI funding, including private funding covering each project’s share of ARDOT’s Program Administration Costs.

Arkansas Annual NEVI Funding Sources and Uses

Arkansas Annual NEVI Funding Sources and Uses

In order to effectively roll out the charging infrastructure program, ARDOT has undertaken extensive stakeholder engagement. This includes ongoing coordination with state agencies through a NEVI Project Management Team as well as convening an Arkansas NEVI Electrification Working Group. Utilities, MPOs and other groups provide regular input to ARDOT on refining the program.

Public outreach has also informed the NEVI program. ARDOT conducted surveys to gather community perspectives on priority charging locations and conducted education activities at events. Insights from motorists and EV industry representatives help ARDOT target funds to areas of highest need.

If approved, the selected projects will add new DC fast chargers and make headway towards FHWA’s goal of a national network of reliable EV charging stations spaced at 50-mile intervals along designated highways. ARDOT aims to leverage NEVI grants to address range anxiety and spur greater EV adoption across Arkansas.

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